I found out about Bulletproof Executive while learning about a ketogenic diet. I was doing research to determine whether a
high-fat diet/low carbohydrate diet would not just heal my body/mind but enable me to thrive. The podcasts by Bulletproof Executive Radio have opened a world of
opportunities to explore. Tune into them and see for yourself! This time of year, when the mental demands of work are high and my training demands are high, I find that my morning routing is extremely critical to being able to pull off a successful and productive work day. I start off with supplements that I should take on an empty stomach which includes CILTEP which gives me the much appreciated concentration and focus. I also take Recovery Bits, a chlorella algae, to keep my level of workout recovery high and to maintain my immune system.

Come mid-morning, I take one more energy drink "Tianchi" .This is an adaptogen-nutraceutical blend using a combination of Chinese herbs for stress relief, mental focus, and sustained energy. You can get more information on this here.
I have to say it is quite shocking the impact that diet can have on our ability to perform at our best. I love the breakdown that Dave Asprey provides on how to target 50-60% fats, 20% proteins, and the rest from vegetables. He goes step by step through where to start (there are 14 steps). Number 1 is to eliminate sugar! So that is my challenge to you :-) Can you do it?
Of course you can!!! Tell me about it :-)