Preparing for endurance races, whether with its a solo Ironman or a long distance dog race, requires more that just the physical training. It is a fine balance of training, recovery, nutrition, mental preparation, and logistics planning. Nutrition has always been difficult and challenging to master as I am an athlete with Celiac diesease and Colitis. Both LOVE to wreak havoc on my gastrointestinal track-especially after long stress inducing workouts. It is not just about calorie counting and tracking the grams of protein every day but being religious about the type of protein and the type of calories. Thankfully, there are wonderful companies, such as
Hammer Nutrition, that cater to picky athletes. Every day I learn more things about how and how not to eat. For example, certain foods apparently have a high histamine content such wines, soy oranges, chocolate, processed meats, aged cheese, etc... Basically, all of my favorite foods! Avoiding these foods has made a huge difference for me (Unfortunately).

Nutrition plays a large role before, during, and after workouts. When workouts are lasting more than 1.5 hours I will use an energy source such as Hammer Gel every 30 minutes. I also need to make sure that my electrolytes are being replaced and will use either NUUN tablets or Endurolyte pills. Without these it is very easy to cramp up. The post workout recovery is especially important. There is a 60 minute window, after long workouts, to efficiently replace used up glycogen, repair muscle tissues, and replace lost electrolytes. To do all of this I use Recoverite. There is a huge variety of products on the market to choose based on what your special needs might be. It is also nice to have something that tastes somewhat decent. I am always looking for suggestions!